Information on the processing of personal data of the users visiting the websites of the Italian data protection authority pursuant to Article 13 of the EU Regulation 2016/679


GRAMMELOT SRL considers the protection of personal data of its customers and suppliers to be of fundamental importance, ensuring that the processing of such personal data, carried out by any media (both automated and manual) takes place in full compliance with the protections and rights recognized in EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter also defined as “GDPR”), concerning the protection of people, with regards to the processing of personal data, as well as the free circulation of such data and the additional applicable rules on the matter of personal data protection.

With the term “personal data” we refer to the definition contained in art. 4, point 1), of the GDPR that is “any information concerning an identified or identifiable person; an identifiable person can be identified, either directly or indirectly, with particular reference to a specific data such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online ID or one or more characteristic elements of his physical identity, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social “(hereinafter also defined as ” Personal Data “).

Your Personal Data consists of:

  • Name and surname;
  • Email address;
  • Phone number;
  • Organization name (for example: employer company, etc.);
  • Tax ID of the interested party or of the organization

The GDPR provides that, before proceeding with the processing of Personal Data (meaning, with this definition, pursuant to Article 4, point 2), GDPR “any operation or set of operations, performed with or without the aid of automated processes and applied to personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or modification, extraction, consultation, use, transmission, dissemination or any other form of making available, the comparison or the interconnection, the limitation, the cancellation or the destruction “(hereinafter also the” Treatment”) it is necessary that the person to whom the Personal Data belongs (further on also defined as the “Interested”), is informed about the reasons for which the latter are requested and how they will be used.

The purpose of this document is therefore to provide you, in a simple and intuitive manner, all useful and necessary information so that you can provide your Personal Data in a conscious and informed manner and, where necessary, request and obtain clarifications and / or changes about the latter.


  1. Who will process your Personal Data?

The company that will process your personal data for the purposes indicated in clauses n. 2 and 3 that follow and that, therefore, will play the role of data controller, is GRAMMELOT SRL, with headquarters in Via Casale, 5 – 20144 Milano (MI) Italy (further on also defined as “Owner”).


  1. For what main purposes will your personal data be processed?

The Owner needs to collect some of your Personal Data for the following purposes:

  • for the fulfillment of legal obligations, especially accounting and tax;
  • To conclude a contract;
  • To fulfil pre-contractual, contractual and fiscal obligations arising from current relationships;
  • To allow users to use website’s services and functionalities;
  • To handle requests and reports from its users;
  • To fulfil obligation provided for by law, a regulation, community law or an order by the Authority;


  1. Additional purposes

The Owner, subject to your express consent, free and unequivocal pursuant to art. 6, paragraph 1, point a) of the GDPR, may use your Personal Data for the following and further purposes:

  • to measure the effectiveness and adequacy of the service offered through the Website;
  • for sending newsletters with the purpose of keeping you informed about news and activities of the Owner.
  • To send to the user promotional material or business communications related to the Company’s services and products through automated modalities (such as, via the internet, fax, e-mail, SMS, mobile devices applications, social network accounts)

The processing of your Personal Data for the purposes referred to in points c), d) and e) is optional and cannot disregard the receipt of your acceptance, which must necessarily comply with the conditions set out in Article. 7 of the GDPR, determining, in this way, the lawfulness of the processing of your Personal Data.

In any case, and as further detailed below in clause n. 7, you can at any time revoke your consent, even partially, for example by consenting only to the traditional methods of contact.


  1. To which subjects can your Personal Data be communicated?

Your Personal Data may be disclosed to specific subjects considered recipients of such Personal Data. On the point we inform you, in fact, that the art. 4, point 9), of the GDPR, defines as recipient of a Personal Data “people or organizations, the public authority, the service or another entity that receives communication of personal data, whether or not third parties” ( further on defined as the “Recipients”).

With this in mind, in order to correctly perform all the Processing activities necessary to pursue the purposes set out in this statement, the following Recipients may be able to process your Personal Data:

  • individuals, employees and / or collaborators of the Data Controller, who have been assigned specific and / or multiple processing activities on your Personal Data: these individuals have been given specific instructions regarding the security and correct use of Personal Data (further on defined as the “Authorized Entities”);
  • where required by law or to prevent or suppress the act of a crime, your Personal Data may be disclosed to public entities or judicial authorities.

  1. How long will your Personal Data be processed for?

Your Personal Data will be processed by the Data Controller for a period not exceeding the purposes for which they have been collected and subsequently processed. In any case you can, at any time, inform us, in one of the ways provided for by this information, your wish to revoke the consent to one or all the purposes for which you have been asked. Any revocation of the consent will, in fact, require the Owner to stop the processing of your Personal Data regarding these purposes.

  1. Is it possible to revoke the consent given and how?

As provided by the GDPR, if you have consented to the processing of your Personal Data for one or more purposes for which you have been asked, you can, at any time, withdraw it totally and / or partially without prejudice to the lawfulness of the treatment based on consent given before the revocation

The methods for revoking a consent are very simple and intuitive, just contact the owner using the contact channels indicated in clause n. 7 of this information.


  1. What are your rights?

As foreseen by the art. 15 of the GDPR, you will be able to access your Personal Data, request its correction and update, if incomplete or wrong, request its cancellation if the collection occurred in violation of a law or regulation, as well as oppose the processing for legitimate specific reasons.

In particular, we list below all your rights that you can exercise, at any time, towards the owner:

  • Right of access: you will have the right, according to the art. 15, paragraph 1, GDPR, to obtain from the Owner confirmation that a Personal Data is currently under processing or not and, in this case, to obtain access to such Personal Data and to the following information: a) the purposes of the Processing ; b) the categories of Personal Data in question; c) Recipients or categories of Recipients to whom your Personal Data have been or will be communicated, in particular if Recipients of third countries or international organizations; d) whenever possible, the storage period of the Personal Data provided or, if not possible, the criteria used to determine this period; e) the existence of the right of the interested party to ask the Data Controller to rectify or delete Personal Data or limit the processing of personal data regarding him or to oppose to their processing; f) the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority; g) if the Personal Data is not stored in the Interested facilities, all information available on their origin; h) the existence of an automated decision-making process, including profiling pursuant to art. 22, paragraphs 1 and 4, GDPR and, at least in such cases, significant information on the logic used, as well as the importance and the expected consequences of such processing towards the interested party. All this information you can find in this information that will always be available to you in the Privacy section of the Website.
  • Right of rectification: you can obtain, pursuant to the art. 16 GDPR, the correction of your Personal Data that are incorrect. By considering the purposes of the processing, moreover, you can obtain the update of your Personal Data that are incomplete, also by providing an additional declaration.
  • Right to cancellation: you can obtain, pursuant to art. 17, paragraph 1, GDPR, the cancellation of your Personal Data without undue delay and the Owner will have the obligation to delete your Personal Data, if there is even one of the following reasons: a) Personal Data are no longer necessary regarding the purposes for which they were collected or otherwise processed; b) you have withdrawn the consent on which the processing of your Personal Data is based and there is no other legal basis for their processing; c) you have opposed to the processing pursuant to Article 21, Paragraph 1 or 2 GDPR and there is no longer any legitimate overriding reason to proceed with the processing of your Personal Data; d) your Personal Data has been processed unlawfully; e) it is necessary to delete your Personal Data in order to comply with a legal obligation established by a community or national law. In some cases, as foreseen by art. 17, paragraph 3 of the GDPR, the owner is entitled to not delete your Personal Data if their processing is necessary, for example, to exercise the right to freedom of expression and information, for the fulfilment of an obligation of law, for reasons of public interest, for purposes of storage in the public interest, scientific or historical research or for statistical purposes, for the assessment, processing or defence of a right in court.
  • Right to limit the processing: you can obtain the limitation of processing, pursuant to art. 18 GDPR, if one of the following points occurs: a) you have challenged the accuracy of your Personal Data (the limitation will be for the time necessary to the Data Controller to verify the accuracy of such Personal Data); b) The processing is illegal but you are opposed to the deletion of your Personal Data asking, however, that it is limited in use; c) although the Data Controller no longer needs it for the purposes of processing, your Personal Data is used for the assessment, processing or defense of a right in court; d) you are opposed to the treatment pursuant to art. 21, paragraph 1, GDPR and you are awaiting the verification of the possible prevalence of legitimate reasons of the owner with respect to yours. In case of limitation of processing, your Personal Data will be processed, except for storage, only with your consent or for the assessment, processing or defense of a right in court or to protect the rights of another person or legal entity or for reasons of significant public interest. We will inform you, in any case, before this limitation is revoked.
  • Right to data portability: you can, at any time, request and receive, pursuant to art. 20, paragraph 1 of the GDPR, all your Personal Data processed by the Data Controller in a structured format, in common and readable use or request transfer to another data controller without impediment. In this case, it will be your responsibility to provide us all the exact details of the new data controller to whom you intend to transfer your Personal Data with a written authorization.
  • Right to oppose: pursuant to art. 21, paragraph 2 GDPR like also repeated by Recital 70, you may object, at any time, to the processing of your Personal Data if these are processed for direct marketing purposes, including profiling if related to such direct marketing.
  • Right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority: without prejudice to your right to appeal to any other administrative or jurisdictional office, if you believe that the processing of your Personal Data carried out by the Data Controller is in violation of the GDPR and / or applicable legislation , you can file a complaint with the competent Data Protection Authority.

To exercise all your rights as identified above, simply contact the owner in the following ways:

  • by registered letter sent to GRAMMELOT SRL based in Via Copernico, 38 – 20125 Milano (MI) Italy;
  • by sending an e-mail to the e-mail box:

  1. Where will your Personal Data be processed?

Your Personal Data will be processed by the Owner within the territory of the European Union.

If for technical and / or operational reasons it is necessary to make use of subjects located outside the European Union, we will inform you from now on that these subjects will be appointed as Data Processors pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 28 GDPR and the transfer of your Personal Data to such subjects, limited to the performance of specific processing activities, will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter V of the GDPR and, in particular, all necessary precautions will be taken to ensure the complete protection of your Personal Data basing this transfer on:

  1. a) third country adequacy evaluation of the recipients indicated by the European Commission;
  2. b) appropriate guarantees expressed by the third party recipient pursuant to art. 46 GDPR.

Cookie policy

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Privacy policy:

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